Transforming Farms and Enabling Equitable Value in Business of Food

Demand for food and need for nutrition security is growing, a transformation in production is needed and in pace with the changes we are experiencing. We believe there is a sizeable need for trusted field touchpoints for farmers. Rural youth and students passing out with related academic achievements can be coached and empowered with our smart platform, and built as a skilled field force who can engage farmers (agripreneurs).

There are multi-faceted challenges in farming, needing urgent solutions reached to farm gates. The current physical extension methods needs to be complemented to enable better reach and with quicker transfer of lab to land technologies. The transformative change needed is the ability to engage farmers with customized contemporary advisory, across multiple crops, with a central focus on increasing profitability at farms.


Each individual comes with varied aspirations, behavioural patterns and social skills, and its important to allow the individual to realize the opportunity and help them hone in the aspirations, behavioural and social skills for maximum impact. We coach on critical skills of farmer management, objection handling with a great emphasis on effective communication.


Gaining experience to provide multi-crop advisory and staying updated, is challenging and time consuming. We train and provide practical field level domain knowledge in easily understandable snippets, which help them effectively identify crops, growth, pest and diseases and field situations. 


A smart tool is necessary to enable young individuals wanting to serve farmers, be able to quickly gain the confidence in them and in farmers and experience pride in the work. Our smart platform helps this cause and we provide intensive hands on end to end training, mock farmer interactions and engagements and supported by engagement with backend agronomy teams. 

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Key Benefits of the Service


Assessment of individual, expectation analysis, customized training and feedback

  • All round skilling
  • Behavioural nudge creation
  • Practical & outcome driven
  • Create sense of pride in service
  1. Class room and field Training
  2. Finishing school for students

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