Transforming Farms and Enabling Equitable Value in Business of Food

The complex science of crop growing –

we Question, we Unravel, we Solve, we Customize and breathe Success, and capture it in our DIGITAL CROP MODELs

Cropmint+ is our pioneering personalized, interactive, smart farming assistant for scientific crop production. This Platform packs contemporary information, knowledge & experience and is served at farm gates. 

Our platform currently supports over 60 Agricultural and Horticultural crops, with Integrated, Non-chemical, and Regenerative farming practices. We continuously expand our offerings by adding new crops and regularly updating all crop models to ensure the latest and most effective solutions for sustainable and climate resilient agriculture.

DASHBOARD makes possible central real-time monitoring of farms, crop growth, process compliance, pest and disease loads, enabling farm and crop level interventional advisory and yield prediction.

Growpack -Economical & Reliable Bio-input Kit

Delivering the Right Inputs at the Right Time with our Crop-Stage Specific Growpack Kit. The contents of the Grow Pack are carefully chosen, specific to each crop-stage. Each input shall offer cost-efficient means to the farmer, in increasing yield, reducing the cost of pest & disease control – while ensuring soil and plant health.

Cropmint+ : A short video